this crap is lame

Horny Melon

CRank: 10Score: 35910

Nathan Hale is the character in resistance.

4800d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love the fanboys defending handheld gaming systems. It's hilarious. The 3DS is already out of date, the


has better specs, more functionality and is cheaper. Between the uselessness of 3d and the poor specs the 3DS is selling like shit. Not your opinion of how the numbers look to you, but how the numbers look to the INVESTORS. That is ...

4800d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's funny they keep trying to force 3d.

3D movie ticket sales leveled off 6 months ago. 3D bluray doesn't sell unless it's packaged with 2d. 3DS sales are disappointing to say the least, and 25% of media viewers are medically prevented (gives them headaches) from enjoying the media.....and still they are so desperate for a new format, even though the last one didn't do so well, that they keep pushing it.

4801d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


They don't pay a fee to the manufacturer they pay a fee to the patent holder and only if the patent is still valid.....most automotive patents have run their course decades ago.

But to go with your analogy then that would be what DLC is. As replacement parts are elective so is dlc.

As for clothing fashion has little to do with most shoppers at the salvation army. Further more clothes drop rapidly in price, games do not.


4801d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Actually Interplay has a functioning alpha (documents submitted to court as evidence) when Bethesda told them to cease and desist, at this point the game is on hold due due to court proceedings.

What the court will be deciding is the validity of the contract. If the contract is determined to be null and void the rights to fallout revert back to interplay.

4801d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Except that last I heard it is likely that Interplay will win and if they do they are likely to win back the rights to Fallout.

4801d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

No you are not a burden. The person who initially buys the game and uses the servers, he STOPS using the server when he trades in the game. The used game buyer then picks up that paid for but unused service.

Does toyota charge you when you bought your used camry? Does DC Shoes charge you when you pick up a used pair at the salvation army? No. The gaming industry has become greedy double dippers.

4801d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


Not to go off topic. But if you want to live in a decent world you have to think of others, not just yourself.

It does effect me. Online Pass is the latest in a long line of schemes that punish the paying customer. If you don't oppose this one you can guarantee the next one will be even worse.

If every game has it. I quit gaming. I practically have already. I've gone from 30-40 games a year in the ps2 era, to 3-4 aaa tit...

4801d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

Yes Sony has amazing exclusives.....And I won't buy a single one because of online pass.

4801d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

It isn't so popular. It was new when the Wii came out. Now everyone's wii is sitting there collecting dust. The rest of the industry saw how good the wii sold and not one person on the inside thought, "You know this is possibly just a trend" There are only so many gaming types you can play withb motion control and a time limit on how long you can play them.

Now that gaming's ball are thoroughly in the grip of "share holder value" every copy is...

4804d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


Apparently you haven't seen the Acer Smart. A phone with a 4.8" screen. Or a thunder bolt or charge. The new gen of smart phones are on par with the size of the vita.

4805d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Going to sell nowhere near what the Wii did. Preliminary specs say it is 80% more powerful than ps3 and 360 which means it will again be the least powerful next generation.

We are about to have a big shake up in gaming this coming generation. Three new pieces of hardware (WiiU, 3DS, PSV) are projected by everyone (developers, publishers, journalists) except the rabid fan boys to under perform. The industry is still mistakenly chasing motion control as the gateway to the ca...

4805d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Everything you said is why the psv should have included standard smart phone functionality. If you place your product in the need category you have a higher potential user base.

4806d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Apparently you haven't played an ipad game. They have virtual thumbsticks that are just as responsive.

4806d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

This thing is going to crash and burn. No I'm not a Sony hater. I've bought every Sony gaming platform on launch day. This thing is going to crash and burn because the day of the high priced dedicated gaming handheld is over(it was never actually here IMO). The PSP for all it's ps2 graphics couldn't leverage them, it doesn't matter if you can render nathan hales beard stubble if your screen is too small to see it.

For less than the cost of this handheld y...

4806d ago 4 agree19 disagreeView comment

I think the lack of customization is the big disappointment. Clothing is down to two slots? So now everybody doesn't have the same voice like oblivion (which is expensive to remedy) but everyone shops at the same store for their clothes (really easy to avoid).

I get why they did this they need to squeeze more power out of the engine, but still

4815d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


4815d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

They will launch in 2013. It goes down the same every time since Nintendo. Rumors start the year before announcement and They announce launch a year ahead of time. The rumors started this year at e3 like clockwork, it will be announced round e3 of next year and they will both launch together.

4818d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nobody walks away from a billion dollar industry, especially when it is the only industry they have experience in. What is EA going to do, start making cars?

4820d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

No. More likely there is a certain amount of astro turfing going on. It's quit common for pr companies to go out there and manufacture fake support for whatever the company wishes.

4820d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment